Sunday, 19 July 2015

Blooming heck

Hello there, it's been a while,  terribly sorry about that.

I'm in a funk right now, I'm so funky Rick James could slap some bass on me, play my tune and depress us all.
I haven't visited you, which is pretty bad form.  It is unusual and frankly ridiculous.  I'm riding this out, I'm fine. I'm just not the greatest communicator at times.

Poor Cookie had a massive eye infection,
it required an injection and oral medicine,

I turned 46

Miss middle child turned 14,
in those bags are anime cos-play items that now means she can defeat titans anytime anyplace

Vintage clip-on sunglasses, immaculately kept since the 50's, come into my possession, last a few weeks and die, this is why I can't have nice things

I watched the wrong tutorial on how to carry a clutch bag

I've been passing off nutella jars as legitimate glasswear for years,
I clearly am a visionary,
I predict watering cans as the next big thing

We said goodbye to our beautiful Chocolate,
we were all utterly devastated,
she was our family,
 she owned the garden and trained us humans well,
she was the most affectionate rabbit grande dame I ever met,
I'm so glad I did

Moonshine has been coping fairly well, the cats have been looking after her too

I'll be back in touch soon,