Friday, 7 March 2014

Isn't is Women's Day today Mum?

My 11 year old asked me today

"The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights" Gloria Steinem

It's tomorrow, I didn't know, 

My youngest feminist

My middle feminist
with new braces fitted today

My Eldest is out with her friends, spending money she has earned after her education she is funding to achieve the future she wants, because she can.  Feminism is not a dirty word, equality is a human right.  I believe this to the core.

The sun is shining this week, I finally shaved my legs, let's not get carried away, I shaved from my ankle to my knee.  It took 30 minutes.  Depilatory cream on one, I ran out and blunted the razor on the other.
I knew it was time, my leg hair was getting caught in my tights (although Mr F told me I didn't really need tights, Ha!)

Minnie Mouse bag

I am linking in to Anne @ Spygirl link in 'locate your craziest sock and build an outfit round it'
I have 1 sock
but hairless ankles

warm enough to wear my new to me petal jacket

Chocolate enjoying the sun

Moonshine chillin

I forgot to put this one on the other day

Have an awesome weekend
I'm having a whiskey and coke
actually I'm on my third

Karen 'Will and Grace'
I love her forever
naughty but flaming brilliant

See you all next week 
I want to boogie now!! hahahaha



  1. Fantastic bag dear! Kisses.

  2. Well, you can see the family resemblance in your girls. Adorable.

    Great jacket.

    As well as all the other things on my to do list you have reminded me I need to add 'shave legs'.

  3. It sounds like all of your girls have great heads on their shoulders! Feminism is definitely not a bad thing!

    I also got round to shearing my legs this week. (It's hard for me to bend, so it's been a while). I just couldn't take it anymore. Lol. Hurray for smooth pins! xx

  4. You're preparing to get your legs out … I'm preparing to put mine into hibernation … go the mohair stockings …. HURRAH ;0)

  5. Those shoes of yours are gorgeous! and your two daughters are so cute... And similar to you. You three are an awesome, smart beauties. Happy Woman's Day, today!

  6. Hello Sandra,

    Ohhhhh the Minnie Mouse handbag.....such enormous fun! What a great find and it suits you so perfectly. What is fashion if it cannot be fun too?

    What delightful daughters you have and how good it is that they do have strong views on the issues of the day. Human rights wherever and whenever they are challenged is a cause for concern and it is wonderful to see young people prepared to give a voice to the debate.

    The flashes of red against the dark background of other clothes is so very effective. It emanates such energy, life and joy. Perfect for Women's Day!

    We shall hope to welcome you to our corner of the world one day too.

  7. You make me giggle:) your girls have your beautiful face, they are spitting images in these pics! You sound like a proud smart momma. I love this coat and the bag, adorable! Enjoy your weekend you awesome lady!

  8. Good for your very clued-up girls, who can see that feminism is as needed today as it ever was!
    And they are gorgeous as well as smart, a killer combination (like their mama!)
    Oh no, is it leg shaving time already? I'll need a lawn mower to sort mine out, I'm sticking with tights a while longer...
    Gorgeous frock with both the coat and your cool new jacket, very chic!
    And darling bunnies too! Have a great weekend, Sandra. xxx

  9. I love the Minnie Mouse bag!

    It's good that your daughters are aware of the day, whilst I don't think of myself as a feminist, I do want equality, for all. Which I guess means I must be feminist in some ways.

    It's leg shaving day for me today too... there must be something in the air xx

  10. I keep practicing awesome, but I have a long way to go. You, however, have got it mastered! Love the Minnie Mouse bag.

    Your girls like like Mini-Yous!

  11. Hell yeah feminism! Way to go raising strong little women!

  12. Your polka-dotted pink scarf and the polka-dotted bow tie on your Minnie Mouse bag are lovely and cute. I like the Gloria Steinem quote at the beginning of the post. That YouTube clip is funny! Happy Women's Day!

  13. Oh your beautiful girls. Just like their beautiful Mom! Hey, I didn't even know that this day existed. And I've been a woman most of my life! Except for when I was a baby. A woman baby. That would be kinda weird. Isn't Karen the greatest? Now there's a roll model!

  14. Wow you have 2 mini you(s)! : )

    I love the polkadot scarf in pink with the red jacket.


  15. I love Karen from Will&Grace too! Your daughters are so beautiful, like their mum! Love your shoes! Much love dear!
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  16. Lovely outfit... that bag! Your kids are so precious! Also, love Karen, sometimes I feel like her and then I remember I'm a pre-k teacher and need to keep the gob zipped. ; }

  17. they're so cute!
    hope u had a wonderful woman's day!

  18. Love all the outfits, I'm in love with your bag !!!!, your girls are gorgeous, have a great week Sandra best wishes xxx.

  19. those glasses are so cute so are the black pumps!

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  20. oh that petal jacket is gorgeous and your red coat and the black pumps, well everything;) and i love your bunnies!!!

  21. I like you very much, you're a beautiful woman:):)

  22. Your daughters are so adorable and look so very much like you! :) And you are so charming with the bow! I am glad to see you enjoying your new vintage coat too!

  23. I love being a woman! I have never wanted to be a man and love having all the choices available to us these days. Girl power!!!! I love not having to shave gorilla legs and out of control underarms if I don't want. Gorgeous girls and lovely dress and scarf combo! Enjoy those delightful beverages. XXX

  24. Dear i love your outfit!! This dress is amazing and the bag so lovely. And your daughters a sweet dream! Have a nice day!! And kissssssssssssssssssssssss

  25. Hey Sandra - there's a bloggers' day out planned for Sat 3rd May in Sheffield, can you make it? Would have emailed you but can't find an email address anywhere... xxx

  26. You've obviously brought up you're gorgeous girls wonderfully well for them to be as clued-up about feminism as they are. Radio One only had female DJs on for the entire 24 hours - kudos to the BBC!
    Love the Minnie mouse outfit and those sexy ankle strap shoes and that fabulous jacket gets better each time I see it, I want one!
    Please say yes to 3rd May!!!! xxxx

  27. Aww, belated happy women's day to you and your lovely little ladies.

    I adore that red coat of yours, is it velvet?

    Ha ha - damned leg shaving! Nice to see the sun though :)

    OMFG that book! Brilliant!

    I do love Karen, she's hilarious :)

    I hope you've had a wonderful weekend xx

  28. Happy women's day my dear friend, I'm happy we (women) can celebrate on every possible way, I for example didnt, but that was my choice (plus I was just sleeping all day after a nigh shift haha). I love your minnie mouse bag!!! Totally! :) and your girls, and pets, you have such a great family!

  29. Love that polka dot scarf & 3 girls? too!

  30. Your daughters are so alike and so like YOU!!!! So all freaken gorgeous!!! Mr F will be beating the lads away with a big stick I bet. Looooooove you Minnie Mouse bag, yummo!!! Isn't shaving legs a pain, and under arms, wait til you have to do the facial hair that your mother forgot to tell you you start to get when Menopause kicks in. Its just all grand!

  31. Thank you for all of your lovely comments! you all rock my world!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  32. What a fab bag and you look so adorable! xx Tani


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